
Friday, August 30, 2019

The Theater Project presents First of Fall Staged Readings of New Work in Cranford

​A comedy by Stephanie Griffin

WHEN: Saturday, September 7, 2 PM
: Cranford Community Center, 220 Walnut Ave., Cranford (The Cranford Community Center is wheelchair accessible)

What happens when the patriarch of the Lenora family funeral parlor dies? The social life of the neighborhood elders and the future of the remaining Lenora family is thrown into disarray.

The play opens in the viewing room of the Lenora Funeral parlor. Theresa is preparing the body of her father-in-law—for viewing. His death puts in motion a spiral for his son, his daughter–in–law and 2 neighborhood regulars mourners. If they sell the funeral parlor, will the mourners have to resort to Bingo?                                                               
Stephanie Griffin is an award-winning playwright and screenwriter, with works performed across the metropolitan area, (including NJ Repertory, Judson Church, Hoboken Theatre Festival, Dixon Place, Gallery Players) and published by Smith & Kraus. She is a member of the Dramatist’s Guild, ICWP, Theater Project & PDC.