Please share this with anyone who may be interested.
Dover Little Theatre is happy to announce the first show of our
2023-2024 season…Kinky Boots!
We are currently looking for all roles except Charlie.
*See Character Breakdown Below.
We are accepting video submissions now through August 21st with in-person auditions beginning August 23rd and 24th at 7pm.
Please send your videos to our email at!
All auditions must contain something from this show.
Callbacks will be announced!
Rehearsals begin in SEPTEMBER. Performances are in DECEMBER.
Any further questions, please email us at
Can’t wait to see what you got!
Character Breakdown
Charlie Price (role not available)
A bit confused, a bit unfocused, a hero hiding under a victim's
mantle. Gender: male
Age: 25 to 35
Vocal range top: B4
Vocal range bottom: C3
Young Charlie
Charlie as a seven-year-old boy. Lost, quiet, reflective. Gender: male
Age: 7 to 7
Vocal range top: D5
Vocal range bottom: G4
A prize fighter's physique draped in satin. A talented drag queen
with a killer voice and winning ways. Gender: male
Age: 30 to 35
Vocal range top: B4
Vocal range bottom: E3
Young Lola/Simon
Lola as a ten-year-old boy who already knows he's destined to wear
high heels. Gender: male
Age: 10 to 10
Vocal range top: D5
Vocal range bottom: G3
Charlie's long-term girlfriend. Driven, uncompromising. Gender: female
Age: 20 to 30
Vocal range top: F#5
Vocal range bottom: E3
Beautiful and strong working-class girl. Gender: female
Age: 20 to 30
Vocal range top: F#5
Vocal range bottom: Bb3
Lola's nemesis. Burly hypermasculine bear of a factory
worker. Sings up to D5 for the finale. Gender: male
Age: 20 to 40
Vocal range top: F4
Vocal range bottom: A2
Officious office manager who will let loose her wild side when
allowed. Lola's love interest. Gender: female
Age: 20 to 40
Vocal range top: F#5
Vocal range bottom: Bb3
Factory worker with a husband and kids to worry over. Gender: female
Age: 20 to 40
Vocal range top: D5
Vocal range bottom: Bb3
Factory manager keeping up traditions. Reserved. Gender: male Age: 30 to 50 Vocal range top: D4 Vocal range bottom: G#2
The Angels
The drag performers who populate The Blue Angel Nightclub. Tenor Back-Up Singers up to C5, Featured Angel singers up to C#5 Gender: male
Age: 20 to 30
Vocal range top: C#5
Vocal range bottom: C5
Mr. Price
Charlie's father. Gender: male
Age: 50 to 80
Vocal range top: F4
Vocal range bottom: G2
Simon Sr.
Lola's father. An unforgiving tower of anger.
Gender: male
Age: 30 to 50
A contemporary of Charlie's but his opposite. Successful, self-aware and confident. Gender: male
Age: 25 to 40
Vocal range top: F#4
Vocal range bottom: F#3
Richard Bailey
Nicola's boss. An overtly attractive and successful man.
Gender: male
Age: 30 to 50
Hooligans, Factory Workers, Pub Patrons, Photographers, Club Patrons