
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Opening at SVP "The Butler Did It!"



Valley Players


"Yes, we are the little red schoolhouse!"



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Opening at SVP

"The Butler Did It"



January 20 to February 5

Friday & Saturday - 8PM

Sunday - 2PM


Tickets: Adults $20 Seniors/Students $18


This comedy parodies every English mystery play ever written with a decidedly American flair. When they're not busy tripping over clues, they are tripping over each other! Laughs collide with thrills, and the climax is a real seat-grabber as the true killer is unmasked, and almost everyone turns out to be someone else! 




Richard Butler

Dani Heywood

Stan Karuzis

Allison DiBiase

Rupert Hinton

Cynthia Okamoto

Raymond Shinn

Kristin Gellner Keiser

Juliet Hommes

Eric Radell




Holly J. Kowalenko


Michael A. Muller

Stage Manager:

Stella Nieves




Sponsored By


JML Landscaping

For all your landscaping and lawn care needs! Snow removal as well!





The theatre is Air-Conditioned and Wheelchair Accessible.


Theater Location

689 Amwell Road

Hillsborough, NJ 08844

Telephone: 908-369-7469


Mailing Address

601 Route 206

Suite 26-216

Hillsborough, NJ 08844


Made possible by funds from the Somerset County Cultural & Heritage Commission, a partner of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.