Orleans on Friday, October 7
Orleans is best known as the Pop/Rock band that brought
you the classic ‘70s hits “Still the One,” “Dance with Me” and “Love
Takes Time.” Now in its 49th year, Orleans has produced a body of work
spanning 16+ albums and 4 DVDs. The band continues to be in great
demand for live performances, as they have been for almost 5 decades.
Co-founders Lance Hoppen and John Hall, along with long-standing member
Lane Hoppen and relative newcomers Brady Spencer and Tom Lane deliver
Orleans' music with power, class and integrity to appreciative
audiences everywhere.
Friday, October 7, 2022
8:00 PM
Nash Theatre, Branchburg, NJ
$40, $30, $25
Two Cheers for Democracy on Sunday, October 30
Capitol Comedy provides the most contemporary take on
political satire utilizing today’s social and political headlines and
hitting the entire political spectrum with equal fervor. Their new show
Two Cheers for Democracy takes some all-time favorite songs and
gives them a few tweaks and a new set of lyrics which will have the
audience rolling in the aisles. The extensive performance talents of
the 6-member cast include the ability to channel numerous political and
public figures. Every performance is sharp, tasteful, timely, and is
intended purely for enjoyment by all sides. You are sure to find Two
Cheers for Democracy the epitome of fun!
Sunday, October 30, 2022
7:00 PM
Nash Theatre, Branchburg, NJ
$35, $25, $20
The Theatre at RVCC118 Lamington RoadBranchburg, NJ 08876