
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

A Day To Remember: The Twentieth Anniversary of 9/11 at the Morris Museum

On the twentieth anniversary of the worst terrorists’ attack on American soil, the Morris Museum will present 

A Day to Remember 

WHEN: Saturday, September, 11. The museum will open its doors at 10:45 AM (see full schedule below)
Morris  Museum, 6 Normandy Hgts. Rd., Morristown
ADMISSION: Free and open to the public with advance registration required. Museum admission is waived all day,

The presentation will start with a welcome by Cleveland Johnson, the President/CEO of the Morris Museum, who will introduce Sassona Norton, a sculptor who created a large 9/11 memorial. The Memorial was installed in Norristown, Pennsylvania, in memory of residents who were killed in the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. 

Norton will start with the story about the making of the Monument, and will show the documentary, A Memorial Journey. The documentary combines the emotions of the day with what it takes to produce an eighteen-feet-tall sculpture in bronze and steel with a Q&A at the end. 

As New Jersey’s only Smithsonian Affiliate, the Museum will present the Smithsonian Channel film, 911: Stories in Fragments. This film explores how we all grasp an event as enormous as September 11. In the film, these stories start small: A briefcase, a Blackberry, a victim's sweatshirt, and a hero's name tag. Simple objects that tell personal stories, recounted in the donors' own words. These stories deserve to be remembered across decades and generations. By telling stories, we triumph over tragedy. 

Bickford Theatre Program Schedule for Saturday, September 11, 2021 

  • 11 am: Artist Talk and film with Artist Sassona Norton (1 hour) 
  • 1 pm: 911: Stories in Fragments film screening (52 minutes) 
  • 3 pm: 911: Stories in Fragments film screening (52 minutes) 
  • Note to visitors: RSVPs will be required for the 9/11 Theatre programs. All visitors must wear masks inside the Museum and in the Bickford Theatre. Theatre guests must also present their vaccination cards or present results of a negative COVID test taken within the previous 48 hours. The Museum will also limit theatre capacity to 50%.