Drum to the Beat with MOCACREATE at Home! + Free Workshop from Our Partners at MCNY!
Thank you for joining
our virtual celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival (端午节) this week! We’re
wrapping up with our special drum-making MOCACREATE today. Missed
something? See below for crafts, games, and an awesome zongzi (粽子) recipe!
MOCACREATE at Home: Drum to the Beat!
Thanks for coming back for
the last day of our Dragon Boat Virtual Family Festival!
One of the most exciting
parts of the Dragon Boat Festival is watching the dragon boat
races! Join MOCA Educator Taylor
and her talented assistant Roux to learn more about dragon boats
and their crews. Then, follow along as Taylor and Roux make and
test some different styles of drums and mallets! Are you ready to
drum your boat to victory?
Share your finished
projects with us by tagging #MOCACREATE and #MOCACREATEathome on
social media, DMing us, or emailing images to education@mocanyc.org.
Follow our social media for more ways to celebrate the Dragon Boat
Festival at home!
Workshop with Our Partners at MCNY! “We Are One”: Women’s
Labor Activism in New York City
Just announced! The Museum
of the City of New York is pleased to be joined for this
workshop by poet, cultural organizer, and scholar huiying
b. chan, who will share his work on the history of the 1982
Chinatown strike, including oral histories with key strike
Since the early 20th
century, New York City women have played a pivotal role
in advocating for a fair and safe
workplace, pushing for living wages, better working
conditions, and benefits that support families. From the 1909
Uprising of 20,000 to the 1982 Chinatown Strike to the
ongoing fight for a federal minimum wage of $15, New
York women have long harnessed the power of organizing in
service of economic justice for all.
Click here to learn more and register for this free
online workshop.
@ Home: Dazzling Dragons!
Dragons don’t just sit
around- they’ve got work to do! Want to know what kind of job is
fit for a dragon? Click here to
find out, then make your own colorful river dragon!
Share your finished
projects with us by tagging us @MOCANYC, using the hashtags
#MOCACREATE and #MOCACREATEatHome on social media, DMing us, or
emailing images to education@mocanyc.org.
Love with Zongzi
Double Fifth Fortunes
The Dragon Boat Festival,
typically held in June, is considered one of the unluckiest days of
the year. Fend off bad luck by catching lucky plants and herbs —
like pomegranate flowers, Chinese ixora, and calamus — and
avoiding the five poisonous pests (五毒) — the lizard, toad, centipede,
spider, and scorpion— in this digital game you’ll want to play more
than once.
PLAY: Race a dragon boat
to catch objects to ward off misfortune, while also avoiding
plagues that appear during the fifth lunar month, such as snakes
and lizards!
MAKE: Click here to learn
more about the five poisonous pests and create a critter of your
own out of clay!
