
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Pushcart Players: Preserving our Present and Promising the Future



Dear supporters,

We sincerely wish that you and your loved ones are safe, healthy, and in a good state of mind.

The remarkable events of the last few months have been shocking, and have presented us all with unprecedented challenges. Most important is that we remain well—physically, mentally, and spiritually.

In a matter of days, Pushcart Players, like so many not-for-profit businesses, found our entire programming for the Spring months cancelled or indefinitely postponed. This is traditionally the busiest period of our school season, and the financial impact on our organization is potentially devastating. But the real loss here is for the young learners who will be without exceptional assemblies, innovative theater classes, and professionally directed student productions.

Yet at Pushcart, we are confidently envisioning what the future of educational theater for young and family audiences will look like when we at last emerge from the current crisis. We're eagerly preparing to meet the challenges in what will undoubtedly be a new frontier. And here's how we're preserving the present:

  • Developing and presenting online resources for students and families, like the presentation of "Ellis Island: Gateway to America" in its entirety with the accompanying study guide,
  • Offering weekly distance learning theater lesson plans for teachers that incorporate social sciences, history, and civic sensibilities in connection to Pushcart's production of "A More Perfect Union,"
  • Engaging and informing our constituents through our social media channels. (And we're reaching many new people across the country, we'd normally not have the opportunity to meet!),
  • Connecting with statewide and national partners in the theater, education, advocacy, government, and philanthropic sectors to share resources, experience, and strength,
  • Complying with public health advisories by our staff working remotely, and at drastically reduced hours; dedicated staff members are volunteering their services as well.

Fully aware that present conditions present financial hardship for so many, we're asking, if you are able to at this time, to help moderate our current financial challenges. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution that will allow Pushcart to:

  • Meet obligations to artists and teaching artists whose work has been cancelled or delayed,
  • Meet immediate overhead expenses in the coming months,
  • Support the re-engagement of our currently furloughed staff,
  • Plan for new productions—and for the way we'll offer them to you - when we return better than ever.

Thank you in advance for your thoughtful involvement!

Paul Whelihan
Producing Artistic Director
973.857.1115     |

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