
Saturday, April 25, 2020

Explore Emily Dickinson's Garden with Marta McDowell

Highly esteemed author, educator and lecturer Marta McDowell delights us with a short but illuminating video exploring Dickinson’s gardens through excerpts of Emily's writing and historic and modern images of her garden. In addition to writing poetry, The Belle of Amherst was a gardener. Emily cultivated flowers on her father’s property and in the glass conservatory that he added to the Homestead.

Click on the photo below to view the video:

Marta McDowell lives, writes and gardens in Chatham, New Jersey. She shares her garden with her husband, Kirke Bent, their crested cockatiel, Sydney, and assorted wildlife. Her writing has appeared in popular publications such as Woman’s Day, Country Gardening and The New York Times. Scholars and specialists have read her essays on American authors and their horticultural interests in the journals Hortus and Arnoldia. Her particular interest is in authors and their gardens, the connection between the pen and the trowel.