
Sunday, November 17, 2019

Stuart Student Lino-cuts Re-create Emergence of Spring at D&R Greenway Land Trust

D&R Greenway Land Trust’s Olivia Rainbow Gallery Presents

Nature in Black and White
by 8th-grade students of Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart

WHEN: through December 20
&R Greenway’s Johnson Education Center is at One Preservation Place, off Rosedale Road, Princeton 08540
No need to call to see if gallery is available.

Art teacher Phyllis Wright supervised the girls’ plein-air pencil sketching sessions of spring on the Stuart campus. “Students transferred their images to linoleum blocks, working as teams with the flatbed press,” to print this dynamic art celebrating nature and rebirth. “The objective of this project was to use nature as catalyst for exploring new kinds of mark-making. Students enjoyed freedom to draw whatever they wished, outdoors. They relished learning to simplify their sketches in order to create effective lino-cuts and prints. This project reflects the girls’ very individual responses to the wild nature in which we at Stuart study, work and play.”

The Olivia Rainbow Gallery, founded and funded in memory of artistically gifted young Olivia Kuenne, may be enjoyed during business hours of business days. This child’s intense interest in nature sets the theme of her Gallery, inspiring not only artists of the future, but especially preservationists of tomorrow.

As the only all-girls’ school in Princeton, Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart is uniquely positioned to provide an expansive environment. Stuart girls put academics first, are willing to take risks, eager to explore every opportunity. Nestled on fifty-five wooded acres, their “challenging curriculum takes advantage of the way girls learn in the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering and math. Equally important are the arts, humanities and athletics.” Founded in 1963, Stuart enrolls girls in JK – 12; and offers a co-ed Early Childhood Program. Stuart is part of an international community of one-hundred fifty Sacred Heart schools. An independent Catholic school, it embraces students of all faiths and backgrounds. Our intelligent, confident graduates go on to become articulate leaders for positive change in our world. for further information. (TOP: lino cut by Emma Tallo)

D&R GREENWAY LAND TRUST IS IN ITS 30th YEAR of preserving and protecting natural lands, farmlands and open spaces throughout central and southern New Jersey. Beyond preservation, stewardship is paramount (caring for land and easements, ensuring protection and ecological heath in perpetuity). D&R Greenway preserves nurture a healthier and more diverse environment, as well as enhancing health for hikers, bikers, birders and artists. D&R Greenway is now active in seven New Jersey counties. D&R Greenway’s official accreditation by the national Land Trust Accreditation Commission has been renewed with high praise. 

D&R Greenway preserves and cares for land, inspiring and expanding a conservation ethic, now and for the future. Its current and ever-increasing emphasis is upon healing trails. D&R Greenway’s preservation has passed the 20,500-acre mark. 609-924-4646

Local organizations frequently rent the galleries of the Johnson Education Center. Robert Wood Johnson had this circa-1900 barn constructed, to provide food for his family while they lived at Morven. Through its indoor and outdoor programs, art exhibits and related lectures, as well as use by regional groups involved in education and preservation, D&R Greenway strengthens the public’s commitment to safeguarding New Jersey land.