
Thursday, May 4, 2017


One Act Submissions are Open


2017 One-Act Play Festival, Solstice Showcase
featuring new and original theatrical works

WHEN: Saturday, May 13th, 6:00pm - 9:00pm; Sunday, May 14th, 6:00pm - 9:00pm; CALLBACKS (By Invitation Only): Monday, May 15th, 7:30pm
Barn Theatre, 32 Skyline Drive in Montville, NJ, just minutes off Route 287, Exit 47

PERFORMANCE DATES: Friday, June 9, 8pm; Saturday, June 10 , 8 pm; Sunday, June 11, 2pm

NEEDED: Men and women of various ages and ethnicities are needed to fill 24 roles for eight one-act plays.

  • Actors are asked to arrive within the first hour after the audition start time.
  • Scripts will be provided.
  • All roles available.
  • Casting is open, and newcomers are especially welcomed.
  • Crew and other volunteers are also needed for the event.
  • If interested, please contact

For more information or directions, call 973-334-9320 ext 5, or visit


Rub of the Green
by Tom Tunnington
directed by Elizabeth Rogers

An army vet confronts his past during a visit to the Vietnam Memorial – and his past answers!

  • POP: (Male, 65-75) Veteran who has never been able to completely let go of his survivor’s guilt. His manner is mostly serious, but there is a glimmer of humor that occasionally bubbles to the surface.
  • DUSTY: (Male, 18-20) Young solider, who died during the Vietnam war and who appears at the Memorial to bring Pop some peace. He has a jovial and easy manner.

A Dark Night at the Theatre
by Lonnie McGuire
directed by Michael Yoder

A TV paranormal investigation team has been sent into the theatre to investigate reported apparitions.

  • BILL: (Male) Leader of the paranormal investigation team. Very serious about his work. Loves to be on camera.
  • AMANDA: (Female) The "medium" who relies on her sensitivity to communicate with the dead.
  • DOUG: (Male) Wide-eyed surfer/hippie type. Easily spooked.
  • PRODUCER: (Female) No-nonsense business woman.
  • ADDITIONAL ROLES: Three other non-speaking parts are also available

NOTE: Some improv experience will be useful, but not required.

Quite Contrary
by Brianna Keller
directed by Matt Masiello

A crooked cop meets a mysterious woman and needs wants to know more about her.

  • EDWARD: (Male, 20s to 30s) Roguish, crooked cop.
  • MARY: (Female, 20s to 30s) Beautiful, graceful, mysterious.

Your Mother Should Know
by John Kiely
directed by Amy Shera 

A mother drops by to give her judgement on her daughter's boyfriend of choice but ends up seeing him in a different way. 

  • JOHN: (Male, 50s) sweatpants wearing, beer drinker, couch sleeper, never been married
  • JULIE: (Female, 25 years old) humorous, blunt
  • KAREN: (Female, 50s) over barring, wise-cracking mother,single and ready to mingle, judgemental.

written by Mark Harvey Levine
directed by Jessica Phelan

How much do we really choose the direction of our days?  Simon and Elaine are about to find out.

  • SIMON: (Male, 25-50) wants to break his routine
  • ELAINE: (Female, 25-50) content with her daily life

Magical Kingdom
by Michael Edan
directed by Rob Nissen

Three friends in suburban Connecticut in the early 60’s discover that the good life isn't all it appears to be when they expose some difficult truths.

  • HELEN BRADSHAW: (Female late 30s - early 40s) the ‘perfect wife and mother’ – attractive, blond, well coifed, unhappy but doesn’t own up to it.
  • RUBY WALTERS: (Female late 30s - early 40s) a ‘spicy’ personality and unconventional, ‘full bodied’.
  • PHYLLIS CLINTON: (Female late 30s - early 40s) sensitive, insecure but with a core of strength, conservative.

In The Early Stages
by Eric Alter
directed by Amanda Castro-Conroy

An elder man reflects on his first love and his life.

  • TOM: (Male, should be able to play late 60s - mid 70s on stage) married to Katherine
  • KATHERINE: (Female, should be able to play mid 60s on stage) wife of Tom
  • DIANE: (Female, mid 30s - Late 40s) Tom’s Daughter

by Mark Harvey Levine
directed by Bridget Burke Weiss

A lovely dinner at a local Chinese restaurant turns into an unforgettable night for an unsuspecting couple.

  • BARRY: (Male, any age) Must be able to open & read fortune cookies quickly.
  • STEPHANIE: (Female,any age) Very significant other of Barry - must be able to open, read & eat fortune cookies.
  • CINDY: (Female, any age) Wise ass confused waitress. Must be able to stab using a very large knife.
  • RESTAURANT PATRON: (Male, any age) Must have a blood curdling scream.