
Sunday, January 8, 2017



UF aud

Unnecessary Farce
written by Paul Slade Smith
directed by Jeff Knapp

WHEN: Sunday, January 15, 2017 at 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM & Monday, January 16, 2017 at 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
The Barn Theatre, 32 Skyline Drive in Montville, NJ

PERFORMANCE DATES: March 17, 25, 31, April 1, 7, 8 at 8PM and March 18, 19, 26, April 2, at 2PM.  Possible additional performances on March 24, 30, April 6 at 8PM (Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays possible additional Thursdays).

This hilarious comedy has everything one can hope for in a modern-day farce: Two cops. Three crooks. Eight doors. Go.

In a cheap motel room, an embezzling mayor is supposed to meet with his female accountant, while in the room next-door, two undercover cops wait to catch the meeting on videotape. But there's some confusion as to who's in which room, who's being videotaped, who's taken the money, who's hired a hit man, and why the accountant keeps taking off her clothes.


  • Eric Sheridan: Male, 30s
    A bookish, even-keeled police officer who's thrown into some difficult situations--while not wearing any pants.
  • Billie Dwyer: Female, 20s/30s
    A police officer. Eric's partner. Although she seems to lack every skill needed for police work, she is enthusiastic and eager to succeed.
  • Karen Brown: Female, 30s.
    An accountant who usually has a very professional demeanor, but seems unable to keep herself in control today.
  • Mayor Meekly: Male, 50s to 70s
    A sweet, gentle fellow, who seems very Innocent (with a capital I)
  • Agent Frank: Male, 20s to 50s
    Town Hall head of Security. Although he can seem confident and even gruff, in moments of crisis he is easily reduced to a very frightened man
  • Todd: Male, 20s to 50s.
    Speaks with a pronounced Scottish accent. A professional hit man who's accent gets thicker the angrier he gets, until he's completely indecipherable.
  • Mary Meekly: Female, 50s to 70s
    The Mayor's wife. Small statured, she seems very sweet natured, and a good match for her husband the mayor.

Actors are asked to arrive to sign in within the first hour of the audition start time. All roles are available. Casting is open, and newcomers are especially welcomed. Crew and other volunteers are also needed for the event. If interested, please contact .

The Barn Theatre is located at 32 Skyline Drive in Montville, NJ, just minutes off Route 287 (Exit 47). For more information or directions, call 973-334-9320 ext. 5, or visit