AUDITION NOTICE AN EVENING WITH EDGAR ALLAN POE by Robert Mason WHEN: WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 7 PM-9 PM & SATURDAY, JULY 1,9 10 AM-1 PM BY APPOINTMENT WHERE: The Baird Theatre, 5 Mead St. (3rd floor), South Orange
PERFORMANCE DATES: AUGUST 22-24, 2014 CASTING MEN and WOMEN AGES 18 and up CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO AND TO SCHEDULE YOUR AUDITION Auditions will be by cold reading only Enter the wonderfully Creepy world of Edgar Allan Poe with six faithful adaptations of some of his most haunting works. Including "The Cask of Amontillado," "The Tell-Tale Heart," "The Oblong Box," "The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether," "The Fall of The House of Ushe," and "The Purloined Letter," this collection of short plays represents Poe at his most horrifying.