
Saturday, July 9, 2011



Distracted 018Dreamcatcher Repertory Theatre’s new season brings three acclaimed plays from the last two years to the stage in South Orange.  After several years of presenting a two-play season, Dreamcatcher is excited to add a third production in the winter months.  As always, the theater tells stories that reflect our shared experience of being human with heart and humor. (Left: from Dreamcatcher’s 2010-2011 season:  Scott McGowan and Harriett Trangucci in DISTRACTED)

alanjaneDreamcatcher, in its seventeenth season, is the professional theatre in residence at the Baird Center of South Orange and a senior member of the New Jersey Theatre Alliance.  This year, the Dreamcatcher Resident Acting Company and its guests will present three mainstage productions, two improvisational comedy nights, two new play readings, one holiday variety show, and one Dreamcatcher Junior show, their annual production for families. (Right: Laura Ekstrand and Harry Patrick Christian in THIS; photos by Steve McIntyre)

Season passes may be purchased that provide substantial discounts to all events, and special rates for groups are also available.  The theater at The Baird is wheelchair accessible, and such access services as large print scripts, assistive listening devices, audio description and open captioning will be available by prior arrangement throughout the season. 

WHERE: Performances are in the third-floor theater at the Baird Center, 5 Mead Street, South Orange. 
For more information and tickets for any of Dreamcatcher Repertory Theatre’s programs, please call 973.378.7754, ext. 2228, or visit

Dreamcatcher’s improvisational comedy troupe
WHEN:  Saturday, September 17
At this first presentation, season passes will be available for the entire season, and the ticket price for the improv show can be applied to the cost of a pass. This popular event will also be held in the spring on Saturday, April 14.

By Geoffrey Nauffts
New Jersey premiere
WHEN: October 28 – November 13

Nominated for the Tony Award for Best Play in 2010, NEXT FALL takes a witty and provocative look at faith, commitment and unconditional love. While the play's central story focuses on the five-year relationship between Adam and Luke, NEXT FALL goes beyond a typical love story. This timely and compelling new American play forces us all to examine what it means to "believe" and what that belief, or the lack of it, might cost us. 

During its Broadway run, The New York Times called it "The funniest heartbreaker in town! NEXT FALL embodies something theatergoers have been sorely missing, perhaps without knowing it, for years. A smart, sensitive, immensely appealing and utterly contemporary New York comedy."

WHEN: December 2 and 3

A unique and affectionate send-up of traditional television holiday variety shows, this Very Special Special will include holiday songs, comic sketches and improv, and lots of good old-fashioned fun.

By Stephen Dietz
the New Jersey premiere
WHEN: January 13 – 29

Snowed in overnight at a middle-America airport, college lovers Elena Carson and Reed McAllister have an unexpected and life-altering reunion.  As the night gives way to laughter, banter, remembrance and alcohol, Elena and Reed revisit a past that holds more surprises than they imagined—and a present that neither of them could have predicted. Filled with laughter and ache, SHOOTING STAR takes a funny, candid look at the middle days of our lives, and how we got there. 

Its Trinity Rep production, reviewed on NPR, was called "hilarious and very serious…Steven Dietz's work is filled with undercurrents. You will find yourself laughing out loud. And then, two minutes later, realizing there's something serious under the guffaws. SHOOTING STAR is a work both funny and sad; a quick and sharp play about our lives, one that gives us all the fun and all the tears of our times.”

By David Lee White, the Associate Artistic Director of Passage Theatre in Trenton
WHEN: March 9 – 25

Jacqueline Stanzi is an eccentric life-long atheist and college professor who has just lost her tenure for trying to teach intelligent design in a science class. Struggling with confusion and memory loss, Jacqueline decides that the only way to save her mind—and her highly dysfunctional family—from destroying itself is for them all to get religion. What better time for a family confessional than the eve of her daughter’s wedding and the joining of two bloodlines? 

When the play ran at Passage, Anita Gates of The New York Times wrote, "David Lee White’s BLOOD: A COMEDY couldn’t be cleverer as it deals with the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, a soap-opera-style family shocker and reflections on the existence of God." 

MEET THE ARTIST: free new play readings which include the opportunity for audience discussion with the writer, director and actors after the performance.
WHEN: May 9 and 23