
Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Drew Forum Presents: Al Franken



Join the Drew University community as we continue our dynamic season of
The Drew Forum with

Former Senator and Comedian Al Franken


The Drew Forum Presents:
Al Franken

Monday, February 3 | 7:30 p.m.
Mayo Performing Arts Center | Morristown, NJ
Moderated by: Charles Stile, political columnist for the Bergen Record


Senator Franken delves into the critical issues of the country with humor and insight, emphasizing the need for collective action to safeguard the nation’s foundation. Through a blend of personal experience, satire, and sharp analysis, he urges all Americans to recognize their power for positive change. The message is clear, and often funny: it’s time to speak up and shape the future of democracy.



The 2024-25 season of The Drew Forum is generously sponsored by the Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation.



