DC Gallery & Studio : DC Gallery & Studio is seeking local
artists & crafters to participate in our upcoming December holiday
shop & art exhibition. Deadline: November 30, 2024.
Camden FireWorks : Camden FireWorks announces an open call for
male-presenting artists to participate in an upcoming exhibition
inspired by Bell Hooks’ seminal book, ‘The Will to Change: Men,
Masculinity, and Love’. Deadline: January
11, 2025.
New York Center for Photographic Art : The New York Center for Photographic Art
(NYC4PA) invites photographers world-wide to submit images using any
photographic process . Winners will receive $4,000 in cash awards, be
featured in the NYC4PA Online Gallery and in the winners catalog. The
Grand Prize winning image will be posted on the NYC4PA home page. Deadline: February 9, 2025.
Artists + Gallerists: Upload Your
Shows Free!
Artists and gallerists: upload your shows for free!
Your exhibitions will appear on the website, iPhone app and