
Monday, September 9, 2024

Explore Technology Programs at the Library


Library Weekly Newsletter September 8, 2024



A Message from the Director


Explore Technology Programs at the Library


Livingston Library Community, 

Technology is ever-growing and ever-changing, and this month, at the Livingston Library, we have various technology programs planned to help you navigate this topic. 

Those looking to learn how they can use technology to help grow their business are invited to join us on Tuesday, September 10th at 11 am for the workshop The Best Resources to Take Your Small Business to the Next Level. During this workshop, aspiring and current small business owners will learn how they can optimize their operations and growth while gaining insights into managing resources effectively. Attendees will also discover practical tips for building a solid foundation for their business’s future. 

Are you interested in learning more about Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)? If so, the Livingston Library invites you to join us on Thursday, September 12th at 6:30 pm for the lecture Morals, Values, and Ethics associated with A.I. During this lecture, we will explore potentially problematic moral and value issues associated with A.I., as well as current events on the topic. 



Register Now


Upcoming Events









Book Clubs



Wednesday, September 18 | 7pm

Do you enjoy cooking, sharing ideas, and kitchen tips, while enjoying great food? Join the Livingston Public Library's Cookbook Club!


Wednesday, October 9 | 7pm

Are you an avid reader looking to discuss contemporary fiction, trending titles, and popular authors?


Thursday, October 10 | 11am

Enjoy reading and discussing a "thriller" novel with like-minded friends. Hot tea will be served at the meeting.


Monday, October 14 | 7pm

Can't get enough of the true crime genre? Looking for something to do after binging shows.


Friday, October 18 | 12:30pm

Join Let's Talk About Books, a monthly book club that is currently meeting via Zoom.  






ELL Program


For more information , go to or contact Christine Kelley-Kemple at 973-992-4600 ex: 248 or





Library Blog


Cup of Joe or Joy?: Reads for National Coffee Month 2024


August is National Coffee Month! But do we really need a special month to celebrate one of the most popular beverages in the world? Coffee is grown commercially on four continents and consumed enthusiastically on all seven. Millions rely on the aromatic bean for their daily caffeine jolt, and millions...



Back to School Middle-Grade Fiction


In just a few weeks, the warm moments of summer will fade into the past, and school will begin. Students will find themselves back in classrooms, thinking, reading, and learning from teachers and peers. The following recommendations cover different facets of Middle-Grade school life, including friends, enemies, teachers, projects, school...



Readalikes for Fans of "Only Murders in the Building"


Are you looking forward to the upcoming release of the fourth season of Hulu's popular series "Only Murders In The Building" on August 27th? The main plot of this engaging series focuses on a trio of strangers (played by Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez), all with a shared...


Open 7 Days a Week


Full Calendar of Events

See what's happening this month



Digital Collections

ebooks, audiobooks, films, and more



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10 Robert H. Harp Drive

Livingston, New Jersey 07039


(973) 992-4600