
Sunday, July 28, 2024

Summer Member Exclusives from the Museum


Dear Friends,

We hope you are finding ways to stay cool and experience great art this summer season! Although Princeton can be quiet without students, there is still much to enjoy, including excellent exhibitions at our downtown galleries, Art on Hulfish and Art@Bainbridge. If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to visit “Don’t we touch each other just to prove we are still here?”: Photography and Touch, we hope you will do so before the show closes on August 4.

In other news, anticipation is building for the third annual Museum for All Ball! This not-to-be-missed celebration brings our community together with music, dancing, cocktails, and much more. Each year the Ball has been bigger and better than the last—it will not disappoint! Read on for more information about the Ball and other upcoming events.



Annual Picnic and
Family Movie Night



Thursday, August 1, 2024
6 p.m.

Little Hall Courtyard


Celebrate summer with the Museum at our annual picnic on the lawn. Enjoy barbecue fare, live music, and family-friendly activities. Cosponsored by the Princeton YMCA. Bring a blanket and stay until sunset for family movie night, featuring Disney’s Encanto (2021). 

Stop by our membership table to learn about your benefits, upcoming member events, and the Museum for All Ball! 




Museum for All Ball



Saturday, October 26, 2024 
7 p.m.

Frick Chemistry Laboratory, Atrium


Come party with us! Now in its third year, the Ball attracts hundreds of revelers, who enjoy the music of award-winning DJ Bonics, artful drinks, fabulous food, and festive fashion. Join old friends and make new ones—tickets are available for purchase now!




Member Openings



Friday, September 13, 2024 

Helène Aylon: Undercurrent  

5–7 p.m.  


Under a Southern Star: Identity and Environment in Australian Photography  

6–8 p.m.  

Art on Hulfish 



Members are invited to enjoy an exclusive viewing of the exhibitions Helène Aylon: Undercurrent and Under a Southern Star: Identity and Environment in Australian Photography.

Make it an evening to experience both of our Princeton exhibition spaces, and meet with artists and curators to learn about the exhibitions. 

Beverages and light fare offered at both locations.

Please note that registration is required to attend this event, which is open only to members

Picnic on the Lawn. Photo: Kristina Giasi
Museum for All Ball. Photo: Kristina Giasi
Tracey Moffatt, Something More No. 1, 1989, from the series Something More, 1989. Museum of Photographic Arts. Gift of Farrell Family. © Tracey Moffatt

Art on Hulfish is made possible by the leadership support of Annette Merle-Smith and Princeton University. Generous support is also provided by William S. Fisher, Class of 1979, and Sakurako Fisher; J. Bryan King, Class of 1993; the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts; John Diekman, Class of 1965, and Susan Diekman; Julie and Kevin Callaghan, Class of 1983; Annie Robinson Woods, Class of 1988; Barbara and Gerald Essig; Rachelle Belfer Malkin, Class of 1986, and Anthony E. Malkin; the Curtis W. McGraw Foundation; Tom Tuttle, Class of 1988, and Mila Tuttle; Nancy A. Nasher, Class of 1976, and David J. Haemisegger, Class of 1976; the Len & Laura Berlik Foundation; Gene Locks, Class of 1959, and Sueyun Locks; Palmer Square Management, and Dean and Jill Mitchell.    

“Don’t we touch each other just to prove we are still here?”: Photography and Touch is guest curated by Susannah Baker-Smith and Susan Bright.

Art@Bainbridge is made possible through the generous support of the Virginia and Bagley Wright, Class of 1946, Program Fund for Modern and Contemporary Art; the Kathleen C. Sherrerd Program Fund for American Art; Joshua R. Slocum, Class of 1998, and Sara Slocum; Rachelle Belfer Malkin, Class of 1986, and Anthony E. Malkin; Barbara and Gerald Essig; Gene Locks, Class of 1959, and Sueyun Locks; and Ivy Beth Lewis.

LATE THURSDAYS! Thursday-evening programming is made possible in part by Heather and Paul G. Haaga Jr., Class of 1970. 

Helène Aylon: Undercurrent is guest curated by Rachel Federman. Additional support for this exhibition is provided by Princeton University’s Center for Culture, Society and Religion.

Under a Southern Star: Identity and Environment in Australian Photography is curated by Deborah Klochko, former executive director and chief curator, Museum of Photographic Arts at San Diego Museum of Art; and Graham Howe, founder and CEO, Curatorial Exhibitions; with Ashley Lumb, independent curator. This exhibition was originated by the Museum of Photographic Arts at San Diego Museum of Art, with generous support from the Farrell Family Foundation and is toured by Curatorial Exhibitions, Pasadena, California.



158 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ 08542

Art on Hulfish

11 Hulfish Street, Princeton, NJ 08542

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