
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

J-Films: Exclusive Screening of "Legend of Destruction" at JCC MetroWest


All the excitement of the New Jersey Jewish Film Festival

continues year-round at JCC MetroWest with J-Films!

Dear JCC MetroWest Film Community,

I'm excited to share a film with you that's unlike any I've seen before. Legend of Destruction is awesome in the original meaning of the word, vividly reenacting pivotal events in Jewish history with unforgettable imagery. I've been to many readings of Eicha on Tisha B'Av, I've toured archaeological sites in Israel, and I've read Josephus' The Jewish War – this film uniquely brings our history to life. Our big theater screen at JCC MetroWest is the best way to experience it. Our community also has the great privilege of seeing​ the only American screening of this film's original Hebrew version, voiced by an all-star Israeli cast. After our immersion in first-century Jerusalem, Dr. Seth Schwartz, a Professor of Classical Jewish Civilization, will answer our questions and discuss how this film's version of events compares to established history and new scholarship.

I hope you'll join us at 7pm on Thursday, August 8, for a truly one-of-a-kind film experience. If you'd like further convincing, please check out the Legend of Destruction trailer (found below and on our website) for a sample of its stunning visuals.

See you at the movies,

Stuart Weinstock

Director of Film Programming

View the Legend of Destruction trailer by clicking above.

J-Films: Legend of Destruction

Exclusive U.S. screening of the original Israeli version!

Thursday, August 8,



Comments and a Q&A after the film with Dr. Seth Schwartz, the Lucius N. Littauer Professor of Classical Jewish Civilization at Columbia University


Jerusalem in 66CE is a powder keg about to explode. Factions of Zealots escalate social divisions into civil war while the Roman army gathers outside the city’s walls, ready to annihilate everything and everyone in its path. This widely seen and widely discussed 2021 Israeli film, just now beginning to screen in the U.S., recreates a foundational moment in Jewish History using 1,500 original paintings by David Polonsky and Michael Faust, the artists behind the Oscar-nominated Waltz with Bashir, and a voice cast of iconic Israeli movie stars (including Shuli Rand, Ze’ev Revach, Moni Moshonov, and Yael Abecassis). Legend of Destruction looks 2,000 years into the past and finds timely warnings for the future of Israel and the Jewish people.


Doors open at 6:30pm

93 minutes – Hebrew with English subtitles

This film includes strobe lighting effects and historically accurate violence. Viewer discretion is advised for those sensitive to either.

 All tickets $15 – advance registration encouraged

…and be on the lookout for more to come!