The act of stewardship signifies a profound
dedication to nurturing our planet’s ecosystem and fostering
sustainability and harmony with nature for present and future
generations. At Greenwood Gardens, we celebrate Pollinator Week
(June 17-23) by recognizing the significant impact human behavior
has on our environment and the habitats of pollinators. We
embrace pollinator-friendly initiatives, and with our own
resident beehives onsite, help contribute to a more
sustainable future.
Since the spring of 2016, Greenwood Gardens has been abuzz with
its own beehive colonies, established in partnership with
Overlook Medical Center, now part of Atlantic Health System. Upon
the hives' arrival, founder and resident naturalist, the late
Peter P. Blanchard III, remarked, “This is a great occasion! It
adds a whole other level of enjoyment and participation having
the bees working with the flowering plants."
Over the past eight years, our healthy and thriving beehives have
multiplied, with ten honeybee colonies now making our beautiful
garden oasis their home. Each colony, led by its own queen,
starts with approximately 20,000 bees per hive in April,
expanding to about 60,000 by the end of summer as the queen lays
1,500 to 2,000 eggs per day. Atlantic Health System, committed to
sustainable community programs, contracts with Joe Lelinho from
Hilltop Honey to maintain and support the beehives they
sponsor at Greenwood Gardens. Half of the honey produced by our
beehives is available for sale in our gift shop, and the other
half of the honey produced is used by Atlantic Health System.
To participate in Pollinator Week 2024, there are numerous
actions you can take in your own backyard to support not only
bees, but also butterflies, moths, bats, beetles, hummingbirds,
and all the unsung heroes behind the food we enjoy and the beauty
that surrounds us. For more information, visit the Pollinator
Partnership Website.