
Monday, June 3, 2024

Holocaust survivors remember D-Day









Images: Holocaust survivor Albert Garih in 1945 (courtesy of Albert Garih) and as an adult. USHMM; A watercolor painted by Simon Jeruchim entitled Memory of June 6, 1944. USHMM, courtesy of Simon Jeruchim; Identification portrait of Charles Stein, circa 1934–38. USHMM, courtesy of Charles Stein; Portrait of four native German speakers in a special unit of the British Army, including Manfred Gans, who is at the far right, circa 1943–45. USHMM, courtesy of Manfred Gans Estate; Werner Kleeman stationed in Normandy, France, writing home. Library of Congress; Assault troops in a landing craft approach Omaha Beach on D-Day. National Archives; Eddie Willner (front row, second from right) and fellow concentration camp escapee Mike Swaab (front row, far right) shown with members of the American tank company they encountered in April 1945. Eddie later served in the US Army. Courtesy of Albert Willner



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