Directed by Fred Cuozzo
Produced by Peter Curley
Stage Manager Barbara Ruban
WHEN: Saturday 1/13/24 at 8pm; Saturday 1/13/24 8pm; Sunday 1/14/24 2pm; Saturday 1/20/24 8pm; Friday 1/26/24 8pm;
Saturday 1/27/24 8pm
WHERE: Westfield Community Players, 1000 N Ave W, Westfield, NJ 07090
Saturday 1/27/24 8pm
WHERE: Westfield Community Players, 1000 N Ave W, Westfield, NJ 07090
After an altercation between two young boys results in an injury, the two sets of parents get together with the objective to discuss and resolve the incident in a civilized manner. As the evening progresses, however, the parents become more childish, and the 'civilized' meeting devolves into utter chaos.