
Friday, January 26, 2024

February at CTG!!!



A Glance at February



Opens February 17th and runs through March 3rd.

A play that explores modern technology's ability to both unite and isolate us in this digital age...even after death.



Keith Beechey as Gordon

Joshua Belmonte as ensemble

Meghan Coates as Jean

Debbie Colacino as ensemble

Shawn Dawiskiba as Dwight

Mary Flaherty as ensemble

Henry Heissenbuttel as ensemble

Lynn Langone as Mrs. Gottlieb

Sky Monroe as Other Woman/Stranger

Sarah Pharaon as Hermia

Michael Yoder as ensemble


On February 25 & 27

Come Audition for our spring production!



Information on this production, with performances from May 4-19, is on our



Stay informed about all our shows and more by visiting our Website, our facebook page, and our Instagram account!