The garden was a fitting backdrop against which to
celebrate Greenwood’s 20th anniversary on September 22. An
Enchanted Evening paid tribute to the efforts of our Founding
Chairman, Peter P. Blanchard III, to create a public garden in which
nature, beauty, and history could converge for all to enjoy. More than a
hundred guests gathered for the festivities featuring fine foods,
sparkling spirits, live jazz, silent auction bidding, and strolling in
the illuminated garden. A highlight of the evening was the presentation
of an oil portrait of Peter, newly commissioned by Greenwood and gifted
by many generous donors. The painting, beautifully executed by Millburn
artist Oscar Peterson, will hang in the Welcome Center where each year,
thousands of visitors will be greeted by this image of a visionary
conservationist with a dream.
With fall now upon us,
the garden is changing daily. Please stop in for a visit that is sure to
revitalize all your senses!