
Friday, September 22, 2023

Opening next weekend at CTG!



Opening Next weekend for a limited run



 Written in the early 1600s and translated into English in 1877, this unattributed German script is just like Shakespeare’s Hamlet...only different. 



Click HERE for tickets!




Ella Bennett: Ophelia

Kevin Cluff: Horatio

Presley DeLuca: Alecto

Nick Foil: Leonhardus

Garrett Gallinot: Phantasmo

Jason Kruk: King Erico

Lauri MacMillan: Queen Sigrie

Doug McLaughlin: Prince Hamlet

Catherine Talarico: Thisiphone

Christine Talarico: Night




CTG's Black Box Productions is a place for plays that don't get seen much in the wild.

It is a place for adventurous directors and courageous actors to take big chances. 

It is a place for audiences to discover something new. (Or very, very old)


Stay informed about all our shows and more by visiting our Website, our facebook page, and our Instagram account!





Chester Theatre Group | 54 Grove Street, Chester, NJ 07931