
Sunday, September 3, 2023

D&R Canal poems requested


Dear Poets,

This is a call for poems about the Delaware and Raritan Canal.

Have you walked on the towpath, paddled the canal, messed around on the banks? If the D&R is “your” canal, have you written a poem about it?

We are collecting canal poems for a book in honor of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Delaware and Raritan State Park. (And yes, the canal opened for business in 1834 so this will really be the 190th anniversary – certainly worthy of celebration!)

So, send us your D&R poems—published or unpublished—by October 15, 2023. Send by email to  Please include your full name, address, phone number, and a brief comment about your personal relationship to the D&R Canal.

We can’t promise to use every poem we receive, and we can’t pay our poets, but we will be thrilled to make sure that if you submit a canal poem you will receive your own copy of the forthcoming book.

Thanks for helping to celebrate our canal!

Penelope Scambly Schott -- Photo by Sandra Shapiro