
Thursday, August 24, 2023

As we say goodbye to summer...





$10 admission gets you

2 free drinks...



& These Performers:

John Beavin, Mark Dacey,  

Erik Friden, Karen Kamenetsky, 

Peggy Linke, Rich Linke,  

Giacomo Messina, Victoria Morris,

Megan Pepper, Will Sandoval, Amy Sandoval 



...Also on our website...




Some of our next season productions are starting to post their audition notices! See which one is right for you and come join in the fun.





For information on becoming a CTG PATRON and having a seat saved for you at every one of our performances please click HERE



Stay informed about all our shows and more by visiting our Website, our facebook page, and our Instagram account!






Chester Theatre Group | 54 Grove Street, PO Box 38, Chester, NJ 07931