
Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Planning programs for 2023-2024?


Note: If you don’t book programs, but like to attend them, you can find a list of my upcoming presentations at:  

Many venues happily accommodate guests.

Planning 2023-2024 programming for your library or group?


Covid “worry free” flexible booking policy:
You can move a program online, move to another date, or cancel without charge.

2023 is the 140th anniversary of the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge.
Bring “Emily Roebling” to your venue to talk about her overlooked role in its construction…

Bridge Builder in Petticoats: Emily Warren Roebling and the Brooklyn Bridge

Carol Simon Levin impersonates Emily Warren Roebling to tell the story of the woman who helped manage the construction of this amazing bridge, which was considered one of the most amazing technological achievements of its time, the “Eighth Wonder of the World.”  At her death, she was called “the most famous woman in New Jersey” and “one of the most noted women in the country,” yet today almost no one knows her name! 


Or learn about other groundbreaking women in STEM fields:

Carol Simon Levin portrays Lillian Moller Gilbreth in her program "Mothers of Invention"

Mothers of Invention — Carol portrays motion study pioneer and “Cheaper by the Dozen” mother of 12 Lillian Moller Gilbreth and shares the stories of other overlooked women innovators, including many women of color. From Margaret Knight (the 19th century “Female Edison”) to Hollywood superstar Hedy Lamarr, these “Mothers of Invention” changed our lives, yet their accomplishments were all too often ignored.

Carol Simon Levin portrays “almost astronaut” Jerrie Cobb to tell the stories of overlooked women astronomers and astronauts, human “computers” and marine scientists who have broadened our understanding of our planet and our universe.

Women of the Seas and Stars — Carol portrays Mercury 13 “almost astronaut” Jerrie Cobb to tell the stories of overlooked women who sought to explore realms beyond the surface of Earth — astronomers and astronauts, human “computers” and marine scientists who have broadened our understanding of our planet and our universe.

Nobody Owns the Sky: Fascinating Stories of Forgotten Female Aviators — Carol  portrays Elinor Smith Sullivan to tell the stories of some of the early female pilots who risked their lives in flimsy wood and canvas aeroplanes but whose ground-breaking exploits were lost to history after Amelia Earhart’s famous disappearance. 

“A WASP takes Wing” is perfect for Veterans’ Day (or any day)…

A W.A.S.P. Takes Wing — Carol shares the story of the amazing Women Airforce Service Pilots through the eyes of Ann Baumgartner Carl, the Jersey girl who trained as a WASP, test-flew experimental planes, and became the first American woman to fly a jet airplane!

Invite Juliette Gordon Low to come for a visit…

“Crazy Daisy” : Juliette Gordon Low: Intrepid Founder of the Girl Scouts — Carol impersonates Juliette Gordon Low to tell how an impulsive, nearly-deaf, eccentric and fun-loving transatlantic socialite founded an inclusive movement which has empowered tens of millions of girls worldwide.

Plan Ahead for Black History Month next February…

Our Rights Too! Carol portrays Matilda Gage, honorary member of the Haudenosaunee nation, emphasizing the overlooked role played by women of color in the long fight for women’s rights. She shares the stories of enslaved poet Phillis Wheatley, noted abolitionists and women’s rights speakers Maria W. Stewart, Sojourner Truth and Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, organizers and suffrage activists Ida Bell Wells-Barnett and Mary Church Terrill, Native American activists Zitkala-Ša and Marie Louise Bottineau Baldwin, migrant rights advocate Dolores Huerta and many more women of all colors and creeds who fought for women’s rights and women’s lives.

Overlooked Ingenuity — Stories of women who overcame the combined barriers of gender and race to create inventions that have changed our world

And for Women’s History Month in March…

Pickets and Persistence, War Service and Woman Suffrage — Carol portrays Jeannette Rankin, America’s first female member of Congress, telling the intertwined stories of women’s suffrage activism, war service, and the political calculus that finally brought the support of President Wilson, the U.S. Congress, and state legislatures to achieve passage of the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote.

Remembering the Ladies: From Patriots in Petticoats to Presidential Candidates  (based on her book of the same name) — Carol portrays Abigail Adams, who famously wrote to her husband John asking that the Continental Congress “remember the ladies” when drafting new laws for the new nation, something the new Congress definitely did not do!  “Abigail” then looks forward in time to tell the stories of courageous and tenacious women of all colors and creeds who fought to enhance women’s political participation — from Dolley Madison to the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848, the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote and the pioneering female activists and politicians who’ve worked to extend women’s economic, social, and political rights into the 21st century.

“Abigail Adams” with area girl scouts after her performance of Remembering the Ladies  at the Bernardsville Library. Photo Credit: Christine Zamarra

Carol Simon Levin portrays Lillian Feichert in "Reclaiming Our Voice" NJ's Role in the Fight for Woman Suffrage

“Lillian Feickert” and suffrage supporters at Drake House, Plainfield NJ

Reclaiming Our Voice — Carol portrays Lillian Feickert, president of the NJ Woman Suffrage Association from 1912-1920, to explore NJ’s overlooked role in the long frustrating fight for woman suffrage. She tells how some NJ women once had the vote, then lost it for over a century, how nationally-known suffrage advocates Lucy Stone and Elizabeth Cady Stanton staged tax and voting protests in the state, Dr. Florence Spearing Randolph brought black women into the movement and Alice Paul became the dynamo who re-energized the push for a federal amendment. This program demonstrates that women were not “given” the vote, but fought for it for generations.

To discuss possible programs, email or call 908-361-6519

“Thank you again for a wonderful program last night! I am still haunted by thoughts of Emily….you made her come so alive…..and I learned more about the Brooklyn Bridge than I thought I would ever know in my whole life!”Nora, Ocean County Library


“Thank you for presenting a wonderful program that was so informative and enlightening. Your knowledge and creative storytelling fosters uncovering the truth of our past heroines.” — Nancy, Somerset Run Singles


“I was somewhat skeptical when Lilyan invited me to your program. As a pilot for many years I thought that I knew I everything about women pilots. What a surprise. Your program taught me so very much and your presentation was outstanding. I am sending your information to as many women as I can. I know that anyone who attends your program will be as excited as I am.” — A.L.


Carol Simon Levin is a professional and reliable performer, whose “in-character” storytelling programs are very well-researched, presented in a fun, informative manner and entertain while they educate… — L.K. Long Branch Free Public Library


Carol’s electric energy and historic knowledge combined to make a most enlightening presentation  — W.S. Ringwood Public Library