playwright John Jiler
Question: Why
is it important to tell this story now?
John: To me the guilt or innocence of the Rosenbergs is beside the
point. The unimaginable trauma of children essentially watching the
public execution of their parents is eternally relevant to the vulnerability
of children everywhere caught up in the maelstrom of violence; be it in
the Ukraine, the Middle East, or the streets of an American city. I’m
also eternally fascinated by the relationship between Blacks and Jews,
a major concern of this piece—thematically and musically.
Schedule of Talk Backs
March 9, 10 - following the first 2 performances there will be a Q and
A with the cast and director.
March 11 - following the evening performance, a discussion with Barbara
Krasner, author of Ethel's
Song: Ethel Rosenberg's Life in Poems.
March 23 - following the performance, a discussion with Rabbi Douglas
Sagal and Reverend Terrance Porter.