
Friday, February 17, 2023

Princeton Talks presents, Professors Leah Boustan and Gáspár Bakos


Leah Boustan, Professor of Economics at Princeton University

In this recorded talk, Professor Boustan suggests that we should organize the national conversation about immigration around data and fact, rather than stereotypes and myths. The four myths she looks to dispel are 1) we are experiencing an unprecedented flood of immigration today; 2) immigrants in the past were more successful improving their standing in society than today; 3) immigrants arriving from poor countries are stuck in the underclass and their children will not rise from it; and 4) we are so divided on the issue of immigration that we'll never be able to reform the system.

Click the play button to hear her RECORDED TALK.


Gáspár Bakos, Professor of Astrophysical Sciences

In this recorded talk, Professor Bakos describes the wonders of the universe which are unfortunately lost to most all of us on this planet. Phenomenon in the night sky that are all gorgeous but sadly fading, such as The Pleiades or The Seven Sisters, Coma Berenices, the Milky Way and the Gegenschein - essentially all but lost due to light pollution. But he has hope that with proper management and control over wasteful lighting, this can be turned back, and the glories of the night sky will return for all to enjoy.

Click the play button to hear his RECORDED TALK.

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