
Thursday, February 9, 2023

How the Forbidden Fruit Became an Apple









Wednesday, February 22, 7:00 p.m.


Temptation Transformed:

How the Forbidden Fruit Became an Apple


Azzan Yadin-Israel,

Professor of Jewish Studies and Classics, Rutgers University



How did the apple, which is not identified in the Bible, become the dominant symbol of temptation and sin? Azzan Yadin-Israel will discuss his groundbreaking new book Temptation Transformed, a wide-ranging study of Renaissance art, medieval storytelling, and early Christian thought, which offers a fresh look at the history of a central religious icon.


Douglass Student Center (in person)

100 George Street, New Brunswick

Free and open to the public; Free parking

Light refreshments will be served.




Bible Scholars' Reviews


“A visual and literary masterpiece”

--James Kugel,

author of The Bible as It Was

“A fascinating cornucopia of insights from language, literature, and art history”

--John H. Walton,

author of The Lost World of Adam and Eve




Renowned Biblical Scholar Robert Alter at Rutgers


How to Read Biblical Narrative

Wednesday, April 19, 7:00 p.m. (in person)

Robert Alter, Professor Emeritus of Hebrew and Comparative Literature, UC Berkeley


Leading biblical scholar Robert Alter will introduce the highly sophisticated narrative art of the Hebrew Bible, shedding light on distinctive conventions and techniques that are unlike what is found in other narrative traditions. Alter's English translation of the complete Hebrew Bible in 2018 was a magnificent capstone to a lifetime of distinguished scholarship and won the PEN Center Literary Award for Translation.