Marvelous Maples – March 1
Sugar maples
and red maples and Japanese maples, oh my! Maples make up a large amount
of our forests in New Jersey. Garden Sprouts will go for a walk to see
the different maple trees in our collection and watch a demonstration of
maple tree tapping.
Itsy Bitsy Buds – March 15
What signs
of life can we still see in the garden? Sprouts will use magnifying
glasses to see the tiniest parts of the plant that that reveal signs that
it is still alive. Sprouts will peel open a bud or two and examine what
is inside.
Small Seeds, Big Roots – March 29
With some
time, teeny tiny seeds grow into very big plants. How? Sprouts will
discover what is inside a seed and will start their own.
Sign me up! Cost: $10 per child with an adult per session. Preregistration is