Somerset Valley Players presents
The Butler Did It
Tim Kelly
WHEN: Opens Friday, January 20,
and runs weekends through February 5. Fridays/Saturdays at 8 pm; Sunday
matinees at 2 pm. Masks are optional.
WHERE: Somerset Valley Playhouse, 689 Amwell Rd., Hillsborough
TICKETS: $20 adult. $18 seniors/students
Tickets can be purchased on the SVP website at
A parody of famous fictional detectives who, when they're not tripping over clues to solve a murder, are tripping over each other.
The show is directed
Mike Muller, produced
by Holly Kowalenko, and stage managed by Stella Nieves. It is sponsored
by JML Landscaping, Inc. and also made possible by funds from the
Somerset County Cultural & Heritage Commission, a partner of the
New Jersey State Council for the Arts.