Young Performer’s Workshop 2023 Spring Session
WHEN: February 18 through June 4 and the deadline to apply is February 17.
WHERE: Lackland Performing Arts Center on the campus of Centenary University at 715 Grand Ave. Hackettstown, NJ.
FEE: The price for the first student is $425.00, a second student is $395.00, and a third student is $300.00.
For more information, or to schedule your interview, call the Centenary Stage Company box office at (908) 979-0900 or visit Centenary Stage Company online at
The Young Performer’s Workshop is a 15-week theatre training program for performers ages 8-18. Each session culminates with a Festival of Shows performed by the students. New applicants must complete an interview with the director of the program, Michael Blevins, before registering.
The Young Performer’s Workshop is a 15-week intensive musical theatre program designed to teach kids ages 8-18. This is a hands-on program designed to meet the needs of beginning, intermediate, and advanced performers interested in working in theatre. Throughout the session, students have the opportunity to learn about multiple facets of theatre arts from acting, singing and dancing, to stage management, props, and costuming. Each session concludes with a weekend Festival of Shows.
For more information, visit or call the Centenary Stage Company box office at (908) 979-0900. The Centenary Stage Company box office is open Monday through Friday from 1:00-5:00 pm and two hours prior to performances. The box office is located in the Lackland Performing Arts Center on the campus of Centenary University at 715 Grand Ave. Hackettstown, NJ. Centenary Stage Company can also be found across social media platforms; Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter. Like and follow to receive the latest in CSC news and special offers.
The 2022-23 Season of Performing Arts events at the Centenary Stage Company is made possible through the generous support of the NJ State Council on the Arts, the Shubert Foundation, the Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation, the Sandra Kupperman Foundation, the John and Margaret Post Foundation, the CSC corporate sponsors, including Platinum Season Sponsor the House of the Good Shepherd, Silver Sponsors Hackettstown Medical Center Atlantic Health System, Home Instead Senior Care (Washington), Visions Federal Credit Union, and Fulton Bank, and Centenary Stage Company members and supporters.