Madison Community Arts Center
10 Kings Road, Madison
$10 Members / $15 Non-Members

Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Founded in 2012, the National Day of Giving, is a day to celebrate radical generosity and to give, so perhaps you’d like to join this global movement and participate on this date directly online with a tax-deductible donation.
The New Jersey Jazz Society was founded with the mission of promoting and preserving jazz. To that end, please consider helping NJJS continue its performance and educational initiatives by helping to kick off our 2022 fundraising efforts by donating to our "50 Years and Counting…on YOU!" campaign on Giving Tuesday - or ANYTIME online at njjs.org via the red "Make a Donation" button.
Many of you work for employers that have a matching gift program - that will double the impact of your gift for free - by completing and submitting a simple form. Check with your Human Resources Department for further information.
On behalf of the NJJS Board of Directors, we thank you for all you do to support jazz music and education. Together we’re preserving the future of this uniquely American art form.
EVERY act of generosity COUNTS! DONATE NOW: njjs.org/donate

Victor Jones Quartet WHEN: Thursday, November 17 / 7-10PM WHERE: Tavern on George, 361 George Street, New Brunswick, NJ ADMISSION: $10 Music Charge Reservations: info@tavernongeorge.com 732.545.6205 Emerging Artists & Open Jams Tuesday's November 8, 15, 22, 29 / 7-10PM nbjp.org

Swing the Songbook Ellen LaFurn, voice Steve Ash, piano Alex Gressel, bass
WHEN: 11/19, 1:00 PM WHERE: Franklin Lakes Library, 470 DeKorte Dr., Franklin Lakes, NJ Ellen LaFurn, voice Bob McHugh, piano Ron Naspo, bass
WHEN: 11/20, 2:00 PM WHERE: Summit Library, 75 Maple St., Summit, NJ FREE & FUN SHOWS!

Joel Zelnik Trio WHEN: SATURDAY, November 19, 6-10 pm WHERE: Steakhouse 85, 85 Church St., New Brunswick, NJ 732-247-8585 www.steakhouse85.com Come down and celebrate the music of Bill Evans, NJ's musical treasure, along with the Great American Songbook, Brazilian, and Pop hits. Relax by having a great meal, or just a few drinks at the bar, and listening to some great Jazz, as Gary Mazzaroppi-Bass, David Cox-Drums, and yours truly, the original JZ on Piano performs. Don't be shy! Love to see you! Support NJ Jazz! youtu.be/Um0w7tk2zOE