
Friday, September 16, 2022




An Important Update from the Artistic Director

 - Options for one and all! - 


Dear Friends, Patrons, Volunteers, and Artists,

It’s been a while since my last update, and I hope you all had a good summer! Re-opening the Theatre this year has been a daunting challenge, but we’ve managed to do so; and despite the truly staggering list of difficulties that we’ve faced, and continue to face, there is an equal measure of joy now that we’re back on stage and bringing you great theatre.  

As I have continually stated in this series of Updates throughout the pandemic and beyond, our attendance policies as they relate to COVID, may change at any time. After much consideration of numerous factors, we have decided to somewhat relax the Masks Required policy for audience members. I have looked at what the rest of the field (and world in general) is doing; I have listened to people on both sides of the “mask issue”; I have looked at the lower infection rates; I have considered the newly relaxed recommendations of our unions and the CDC, and I have scrutinized how our current policy is affecting attendance. As of now, we will be implementing a solution that I hope will offer a sensible and more widely appealing policy that still provides a level of comfort for those who remain concerned about indoor theatre-going.   

On Tuesday and Wednesday nights and Saturday and Sunday matinees, audience members will be required to wear masks when they enter the Theatre. On Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, wearing masks will now be optional.

This may mean that you’ll want to switch your tickets from one performance to another to accommodate your personal preference regarding the issue of “to wear a mask or to not wear a mask.” I apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause, but it is a small inconvenience in the greater scheme of things. There is no policy that will make every single person happy in every single way. I also want to stress that this is something we are going to try for now, as the next step in this long journey, and our policy may change again. For now, this seems like a solution that will make most people comfortable and provide our patrons with viable options for attending theatre in a way that suits each individual’s personal needs or desires.  

In addition to this notice, and the announcement of this policy change on our website, our Box Office staff will be reaching out by phone to all subscribers and ticket buyers for The Caretaker that might be affected by this policy change to ensure that everyone is apprised of it, and to help switch tickets to another performance if need be. Please be kind to them, they are there to help you, and if you are annoyed by this change, take it out on me, not them.

Lastly, I will be very frank and let you know that we are having a very tough time. Our audience numbers are still not back in full force – not even close – and that is going to have serious repercussions going forward. Every theater in America is experiencing the same dire problem. We are all doing our very best to give you the gift of great theatre again, but it takes two to tango, and you, our audience are our partner in this “dance.” 

We need you back, we want you back, and we miss you! A fully masked audience provides a very safe theatre-going experience, and we will have four shows a week that give you that opportunity. For those who prefer to not wear a mask, we now also have four Optional Mask performances weekly. I yearn for the day when this is all a non-issue, but for now, I hope this new policy works. I beg your patience, I beg for you to not miss our upcoming productions, and I look forward to seeing you at our beautiful theatre!



Bonnie J. Monte

Artistic Director