Perfect Partners: Exploring the 2020
NJSLS for Social Studies
Thursday, September 22
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. (ET)
This free info
session will offer educational program staff at public history
sites the
chance to review about the 2020 NJ Student Learning Standards
(NJSLS) for social studies and discuss how historic sites can connect to teachers
by promoting them.
Revolution NJ
is proud to bring teachers and public history program staff together
in Perfect Partners: Public History and K-12 Schools to talk
about how to support each other. We will consider the long-term
impact of the
pandemic and the effect it may have on social studies and public
history. We will also look ahead to the 250th anniversary of the United
States in 2026 and explore how we can commemorate this milestone with
our students today while leaving an inspiring
example for future generations.
This program
is free, but registration is required.
This is the
first webinar in "Perfect Partners: NJ Public History & K-12
Schools," a three-part series designed to bring the public
history community together with NJ's K-12 educators to discuss how we
can support each other.