Photos: Manfred Lewin (left), killed at Auschwitz, and Gad
Beck, who tried to save him. USHMM, courtesy of Jizchak Schwersenz and Gad
Beck; Prisoner badge worn by Josef Kohout while incarcerated in
the Flossenbürg concentration camp. USHMM, gift of Wilhelm A. Kroepfl;
A couple dances at the Eldorado, a nightclub frequented by members of
Berlin's gay and lesbian community, 1929. bpk-Bildagentur;
(Left) Portrait of Willem Arondeus, the leader of a gay resistance group in
Amsterdam. USHMM, courtesy of Marco Entrop. (Right) Portrait
of Frieda Belinfante after her return to the Netherlands from a refugee
camp in Switzerland. USHMM, courtesy of Frieda Belinfante;
ID pictures of a prisoner, accused of homosexuality, who arrived at
Auschwitz on June 6, 1941. He died there a year later. Państwowe
Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau w Oświęcimiu; Signed portrait of
German physician and sex researcher Magnus Hirschfeld. USHMM,
courtesy of Magnus-Hirschfeld Gesellschaft