April 11 - 14
Rain Gauges
– April 11: Learn why rain is so
important to a farm! In this program, create your own rain gauge and see
why the Fosters measured the rainfall.
Spinning with Wool – April 12:
Learn traditional ways to create yarn from wool! See how the fibers are
prepared for spinning, then use your own drop spindle to create yarn.
Everyone will get a chance to take a whirl on a spinning wheel.
Seedlings – April 13: Join farm
staff and plant Heritage seeds for your home vegetable garden. Then tour
the site to see how the farm prepares for Spring! Please wear appropriate
clothes and footwear for a farm.
Dyeing with Flowers – April 14:
Learn how to create natural dyes from colorful flowers. Everyone gets to
take swatches home at the end of the program. Please wear older clothes,
as the dyes are permanent.
Learn more!
Cost: $10
per child/adult pair. Preregistration is required.