
Thursday, April 21, 2022

MOCA TALKS: You Are Not Alone–Creating Space for Mental Health


Museum of Chinese in America







Linh An

Regina Lee

Annie Li



You Are Not Alone: Creating Space for Mental Health
with Linh An, Regina Lee and Annie Li

Wednesday, April 27, 2022, from 6:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. EDT



You Are Not Alone is a panel discussion about mental health sponsored by Women of Color in Fundraising and Philanthropy (WOC) and organized in conjunction with MOCA’s current exhibition Responses: Asian American Voices Resisting the Tides of Racism.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Asian Americans have become hypervisible targets for racist rhetoric too often replayed in mainstream media, directly contributing to a spike in hate crimes and verbal attacks that have disproportionately affected women and elders. Since the Atlanta spa shootings, disturbing news footage of brutal and seemingly random attacks continue to circulate with unprecedented regularity, such as the murders of Michelle Go and Christina Yuna Lee. Despite calls for unity and mutual understanding, these incidents have further driven wedges within and between communities across class and racial lines. In turn, these uncertain times have also led to an increased demand for Asian American mental health therapists.

Please join us to learn more about the recent history of healthcare in Chinatown from an intergenerational group of professionals, who will reflect on the recent waves of violence and what the current landscape of mental health and access to care is for Asian American families

About the Speakers


Linh An, Ph.D., is the Executive Director of the Chinese American Family Alliance for Mental Health (CAFAMH). Her training as an anthropologist and her own immigrant story has informed her approach to addressing social inequities through research, teaching, and community work. She learned of CAFAMH while conducting research on Chinese immigrant women caring for family members diagnosed with mental illness. Currently, she is leading the development of a psychoeducation program in partnership with NYU for limited English proficient Chinese caregivers. Additionally, she oversees the organization’s holistic wellness programs for Asian American college students that integrates psychoeducation, professional development, and racial identity exploration. Outside of her non-profit work, Linh teaches Asian American Studies at Hunter College and serves as the Multilingual Learner Specialist at the Hunter College AANAPISI Project. Linh is on the Board of Directors for the Charles B. Wang Community Health Center. She is also on the advisory boards of the NYC Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes and NYC Health + Hospitals Test & Trace Corps. Linh one day hopes to enter amateur agility dog competitions with her shih-poo Lucky.

Regina Lee, Esq., is the Executive Vice President of Public Affairs at the Charles B. Wang Community Health Center in Chinatown, NY.

Annie Li, M.D., is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and Assistant Attending in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at NYU Langone Health. She practices in a pediatric emergency psychiatry setting in NYC.



MOCA recently extended Responses: Asian American Voices Resisting the Tides of Racism through September 18, 2022. Launched in July 2021, the exhibition details the historical roots of anti-Asian and Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI) racism from the early days of American history until the rise of anti-AAPI racism and violence today.

Discover more about the Museum in our bilingual digital guide on Bloomberg Connects, the free arts and culture app. Explore our permanent collection, get a behind-the-scenes look at our Responses exhibition, and more with exclusive audio content and commentary.




MOCA has not skipped a beat since its temporary closure in March 2020. We've been creating new digital content through multiple platforms, always free of charge—because history matters. We are facing tremendous financial losses due to COVID-19. We hope you'll consider making a gift to become part of a continuing lifeline for MOCA. No amount is too little, and we greatly appreciate your generosity. Your contribution helps sustain our beloved institution and supports the creation of new, online programming that will bring comfort and inspiration to more communities.