Writers Bloc
and Eso Won Books Present Dr. Elizabeth Alexander on The Trayvon
April 6, 2022, 6:00PM PDT
Free Virtual
Dr. Elizabeth
Alexander is a decorated author, essayist, and President Obama’s 2012
Inaugural Poet. In late June of 2020 in the most profound moments of
the pandemic and social rebellion, she published a great piece in The
New Yorker called “The Trayvon Generation,” about what Black
young people face in America. That New Yorker essay went
viral, and Dr. Alexander expanded that terrific article into a book
of the same name.
The Trayvon
Generation speaks to the
ever-present reality of race as the center of a Black young person’s
American experience. Black young people– or The Trayvon Generation,
as she refers to them– live in a prism of brutality and violence, no
matter what their circumstances might be, no matter how privileged
they might be. She draws on history, cultural expression, and social
attitudes to reflect on the present, and future, of Black youth. Dr.
Alexander wrote and read "Praisesong for the Day" for
Barack Obama’s 2012 inauguration, has collected innumerable prizes
for her books, and is currently the President of the Mellon