Today, the Ukrainian people are under attack. The story of
their nation is forever linked to the 1.5 million Jews and 70,000 other
civilians murdered there by the Germans and their collaborators during the
Holocaust. Russian President Vladimir Putin has twisted that history to
justify an invasion, falsely claiming to be waging war against Nazism and
Wednesday, March
9, 9:30 a.m. ET
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Facebook page
Vadim Altskan, Project Director, Archival and
Curatorial Affairs, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Paul Shapiro, Deanie and Jay Stein Director of
International Affairs, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Dr. Edna Friedberg, Historian, United States
Holocaust Memorial Museum
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You do not need a Facebook account to view our program. After the live
broadcast, the recording will be available to watch on demand on the
Museum’s Facebook and YouTube pages.
Photo: Jews in Lubny, Ukraine, were rounded up and later
massacred in October 1941 by Germans and their collaborators. This photo
was taken by German Wehrmacht photographer Johannes Hähle for his private
use. Hamburg Institute for Social Research