Theatre Presents Nathan the Wise at Theater J
Folger Theatre in new places this season as our building
remains closed for renovation. In-person theater performances
begin again with Nathan the Wise,
produced in association with Theater J, onstage Mar 16 - Apr
10. Streaming-only tickets are available for those unable to attend
in person.
funny and timely 18th-century Shakespeare-styled play about
12th-century Jerusalem is chock full of mistaken identities,
foiled romances, and relationships across cultural and
religious divides. Watch a video invitation
from Folger Director Michael Witmore to join us for a special
Patron Night on Wed, Mar 23, at 7:30pm. Tickets are $45 (using
code FSLMBR22), with a reception following the performance.
Next up
for Folger Theatre is A Midsummer Night's Dream this
summer at the National Building Museum and The Tempest
this fall at Round House Theatre. Subscribe today
to get tickets to all three productions at the best price.