
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

 From MOCA: Explore Lines and Emotions with MOCACREATE at Home! Plus, learn about Maya Lin! 


MOCA Families


MOCACREATE at Home | Drawing on Emotions: Lines, Designs, & Feelings!



We see lines everywhere in art- straight and even lines, jagged and wiggly lines, lines that curve, lines that point, all kinds of lines! Different kinds of lines can create different kinds of feelings. Join Educator Taylor and her fearless assistant Roux to explore how artists can use lines to help their viewers feel different emotions. We’ll look at artwork from MOCA’s current exhibit, Responses, and make some line art of our own! 

Share your line art by tagging #MOCANYC and #MOCACREATEathome on social media, DMing us @mocanyc, or emailing



Happy Birthday, Maya Lin!


Maya Lin sitting at a table in her studio. On the table in front of her are models of her earthworks.

Photograph by Jesse Frohman, courtesy of Maya Lin Studio.


Did you know that October is National Arts and Humanities Month? This special month was started to encourage everyone in the United States to explore and participate in the arts and humanities. Today, we want to celebrate one inspiring person who has spent a lifetime doing just that: Chinese American artist, designer, and architect Maya Lin. Click here to learn more about Maya, and don’t forget to download our free MOCA Heroes digital magazine about her, too!  





In case you missed it...

MOCACREATE at Home | Paper Mache a Jade Rabbit!


Cartoon of a smiling rabbit superimposed on a round, full moon. The background is dark indigo with a faint pattern of lanterns.



MOCACREATE at Home | Paint a Mid-Autumn Moon!


A night sky with a large round moon and stylized clouds. The moon has a few craters and a silhouette of a leaping rabbit.



MOCACREATE at Home | Visualizing AAPI History


The words Visualizing AAPI History with the Museum of Chinese in America in bold red letters.




Museum of Chinese in America