
Friday, August 27, 2021

Saturday on C-SPAN2: Learning from the Founding Fathers & Former Secretary of State James Baker 



American History TV — Saturdays on C-SPAN2



Explore Our Nation’s Past
Discover the people and events that document the American story.


Joseph Ellis on Learning from the Founding Fathers

Watch it: 10 am, 1 pm & 10 pm ET Saturday


Watch a preview.


 Historian and bestselling author Joseph Ellis looks at how the Founding Fathers can provide wisdom for navigating today's society.


“The founders were brilliant and gifted, but they were flawed. They succeeded triumphantly in many respects. ... Amidst the triumphs, there are two enormous tragedies. One is the failure to reach a just accommodation with the Native Americans and the other is the failure to end slavery.”



Former Secretary of State James Baker
on Leadership and His Career

Watch it: 9 am, noon & 9 pm ET Saturday



Watch a preview.


Former Secretary of State James Baker talks about leadership and his career.  Mr. Baker served as secretary of state for President George H.W. Bush, and as Ronald Reagan's White House chief of staff and Treasury secretary.




George Washington University professor David Shambaugh has written nearly 30 books about Asia, most of which focus on China. In this new episode of Booknotes+, he talks about his latest book, China's Leaders, in which he profiles the five leaders of the People's Republic of China since 1949 and provides an analysis of their policies.

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Tune in to C-SPAN3 next week for five evenings of Lectures in History. Below are some highlights from the programs, which start each night at 8 pm ET:

Monday — Preamble of the Declaration of Independence
Tuesday — 
Civil War Weaponry
Wednesday —
Polio Epidemic in the United States
Thursday — 
Women During World War II
Friday —
The Vietnam War, 1965-75



About American History TV

Discover the people and events that document the American story — Saturdays on C-SPAN2. Come along with American History TV to museums and historic sites. Watch archival speeches from former presidents and other national leaders. Visit classrooms, lectures and symposiums featuring professors and historians. 

Every Saturday on C-SPAN2 starting at 8 am ET
or online anytime at


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