West Orange Arts Council Presents The Power of IV: Emotion, Eurythmy, Vernacular and Subversion
The West Orange Arts Council (WOAC) is honored to present to the community The Power of IV: Emotion, Eurythmy, Vernacular and Subversion, a virtual online exhibit and an in-person gallery show featuring the work of four local women artists, Elisabeth Antoine, Carol Black-Lemon (co-curator), Lisa Lackey and Ann Vollum (co-curator).
WHEN: exhibit will debut on Thursday, August 5, 2021 from 4-7pm and will run through September 11, 2021. A reception will be held on Saturday, August 7, 2021 from 2pm – 6pm. Regular gallery hours are Saturdays from Noon - 4pm.
WHERE: West Orange Arts Center, 551 Valley Road in West Orange, New
The four artists, two working in fiber and two in paint, come together in this eclectic exhibit that celebrates life and the threads that connect us. The viewer is presented with a novel way of looking at the world and is given a new realization of the beauty in everyday encounters, experiences, and objects. An emotional connection and strength runs through the work; there is an awareness for detail, the use of color, light and shadow, for rhythm and for human emotion. The ordinary becomes extraordinary; the viewer is inspired to look at their surroundings with wonder and appreciation for the small things, all the more apt due to the challenging times we are living through. (Right: Eve by Ann Vollum)
“The Power of IV exhibit is a collaboration of four women artists who admire the vision and skill we each have; bringing our ideas into fruition is empowering,” states co-curator Carol Black-Lemon (Blue Ivy, left), one of the four women artists in the exhibit and West Orange Arts Council Board member. Co-Curator Ann Vollum writes “The Power of IV is an exciting meeting of minds that brings together the artistic visions of four very individual women artists. We hope to inspire visitors to the exhibit to look at the world around them with a new appreciation.”
The Power of IV exhibit will be open for
in-person visits, and hours are posted on www.facebook.com/woac.org
. Attendees are required to social
distance and wear face coverings at all times. RSVP is appreciated at info@woarts.org. An online gallery is on view at www.woarts.org.
This program is made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts and administered by the Essex County Division of Cultural and Historic Affairs.