
Saturday, April 25, 2020

Virtual MAM - the latest #MuseumFromHome content for you to enjoy!

While the Museum is closed, we’ll be sharing virtual content highlights each week. We hope they inspire you and keep us connected while we're apart.

From a closer look with the curator to virtual classes to the latest offerings in Virtual MAM, here is the latest #MuseumFromHome content for you to enjoy!



Virtual tour of Tom NUssbaum's Listen sculpture

MAM Curator Series

Learn more about Tom Nussbaum's Listen with Chief Curator Gail Stavitsky.


MAM Cyber Studio - recycled materials birds

Cyber Studio: Recycled Materials Birds

Create a bird out of recycled materials around your home with artist and Montclair Art Museum educator Dan Fenelon. Start Creating!

mam virtual summerART

Coming Soon!

MAM's Yard School of Art will be offering online classes beginning in May and Virtual SummerART camp is in the works! Stay tuned for details and registration information!


Artist Spotlight

“I have spent most of my life creating images that are responses to the brutality of our time. I am reminded constantly of the world’s injustice. It weighs upon my mind and body. Therefore, I seek the beauty and the vigor of the paint and the poetry that inspires the act of painting.” ~ Miriam Beerman

Learn More about Miriam Beerman and her painting Swimming Turtle in MAM's Artist Spotlight series.

Miriam Beerman (b. 1923) Swimming Turtle, 1973, Oil on paper. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jacob 1975.9

More Virtual MAM

Enjoy more videos, spotlights, activities, and audio guides!