
Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Dear Friends,

Please know we are monitoring the situation about the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) with vigilance and with utmost caution and concern for the safety of our members. We continue to follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH).

Senior Programming Will Be Suspended

JCC MetroWest will suspend our programs for senior citizens as of Monday, March 16th. The programs closing include the Margulies Senior Center, the Littman Memory Center, Men, Women and Couples at Leisure, JETS, all Senior Satellite Centers and our Congregate Nutrition programs at JCC MetroWest and at the JCHC Village Apartments. Our Kosher Meals on Wheels Program will continue as usual.

The CDC advises that those over the age of 60 and those with underlying health conditions should practice social distancing and avoid large crowds in public spaces and large gatherings. A public space is any place where groups of people can freely gather. Examples include restaurants, shopping malls, grocery stores, movie theaters, concert halls, libraries, gyms or community centers.

Please note that the Sonia Kurland Memorial Purim Concert on Thursday, March 12th has been cancelled and will be rescheduled.
For updated information regarding senior programming please call (973) 530-3448 or (973) 530-3480; outgoing messages will contain daily updates.
Individual senior programming staff can be reached at the following:

Gina Goldman: (973) 530-3448

Bonnie Schechter: (973) 530-3491

Joanne Bramnick: (973) 530-3414

Sharon Gordon: (973) 530-3480
We join our community in hoping for a quick resolution to this urgent situation and we are looking forward to continuing our senior programming once it is safe to do so.

New Jersey Jewish Film Festival Postponed

For the safety and health of our community, it has become necessary to postpone our 20th Annual New Jersey Jewish Film Festival set to begin on Thursday, March 19th. We will reschedule the films when we know we can do so safely. We expect that the modified festival will include screenings throughout the summer, September and October.

All purchased tickets will be exchangeable once the new dates are confirmed.

Please contact Sarah Diamond with any questions: (973) 929-2938 or

All Other JCC MetroWest Programming To Proceed As Scheduled

All other JCC MetroWest programming will continue as scheduled including fitness and aquatics, Early Childhood and Kids Club; all special events related to those programs will proceed as scheduled as well.

For general questions, please email us here and we will respond as soon as possible. For programming questions, please call your program's manager.  JCC MetroWest staff phone numbers can be found here.

For the most up-to-date information regarding all JCC MetroWest programming and updates regarding JCC MetroWest and COVID-19, please check our website.

As always, the safety, security, and well-being of all our JCC MetroWest program participants is our number one priority. Jewish law instructs us about the value of human life, and we at JCC MetroWest are taking that to heart at this challenging time.

To the best of health,

Stuart E. Raynor
CEO, JCC MetroWest