by Ken Weitzman
directed by Kent Nicholson
WHEN: World Premiere June 22 – July 30. Previews kick-off Thursday, June 22, with a complimentary game-day buffet of dips, chips and beer following the performance. Opening night with reception is Saturday, June 24. Performances are Thursdays and Fridays at 8pm; Saturdays at 3pm and 8pm; and Sundays at 2pm.
WHERE: New Jersey Repertory, 179 Broadway in Long Branch
TICKETS: $46 and are available at 732-229-3166 or online at www.njrep.org
New Jersey Repertory Company presents the National New Play Network Rolling World Premiere of HALFTIME WITH DON.
Don Devers may not have been the biggest name in the NFL, but his heart and his charisma were unrivaled on the field. Known for helping every opponent he knocked down get back onto their feet, Don has been brought to his knees by the cruel legacy of his high-impact heyday. Ed Ryan, a demoralized fan who’s idolized Don all his life, arrives at his door searching for inspiration. Instead, Ed finds his hero shut off from the world, attempting to stave off the encroaching offensive of traumatic brain damage with Pringles, pills and Post-It notes. Stephanie, Don’s pregnant, tough-as-nails daughter, is sure she knows why he refuses to see even her. But she’s wrong. What she discovers, what they all discover through the mirror of Don’s decline, is an unpredictable, remarkable perspective on hope and strength in the clinch of being merely human.
Joining us (above, L-R) as Don is Malachy Cleary, NJ Rep regular Susan Maris plays Sarah Ryan and newcomers Lori Vega and Dan McVey play Stephanie Devers and Ed Ryan.