A young girl learns to believe in herself and value her intelligence in this critically-acclaimed, family-friendly drama. Akeelah Anderson (Keke Palmer) is an 11-year-old being raised by her mother, Tanya (Angela Bassett), who was left on her own after the death of her husband. While Akeelah is a very bright girl, she’s hardly a star student and seems afraid of acting like a bookworm around her friends and classmates. However, Akeelah’s teacher sees genuine potential in her student and encourages her to enter the school’s spelling bee. Discover what happens when Akeelah emerges victorious in the local competition that puts her on the road to nationals. Laurence Fishburne also stars. A panel discussion follows the film screening, featuring Dr. Antoinette Ellis-Williams, Professor, Women’s & Gender Studies, New Jersey City University, and Imani Moody from the I Have a Dream Foundation, moderated by Tai Beauchamp, founder of Tai Life Media LLC. The PSEG Foundation True Diversity Film Series includes screenings that examine various subjects, all intended to provoke broad thinking on issues of diversity. Audiences experience a deeper knowledge of respect and understanding for all people and their communities. Presented by the PSEG Foundation and PSEG Employee Business Partners In partnership with the Women’s Association of NJPAC |