The Montclair Public Library’s popular art exhibits continues with
The Poets
by Leona Mahler-Sussman
WHERE: Montclair Public Library Gallery, 50 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair
WHEN: during library hours from May 1 through May 28, 2016.
Cedar Grove resident Leona Mahler-Sussman’s “The Poets” are a combination of monotypes and mixed media. Images of Robert Frost, Phillip Roth, James Joyce and Bertoit Brecht will be included in this exhibit. She has exhibited her creations at numerous venues including the Monmouth Museum, Montclair State University, Watchung Arts Center and with the Mountain Arts Council of Essex.
In choosing poets and writers as her subject matter Leona intends to emphasize the relationship between two disciplines – art and literature – both expressions of the desire to create and by doing so include others in the experience.
As an artist Leona is free to perceive reality in the various realms of shadows, distortion, exaggerations and suggested truths. “Like a child in a playroom, I can have fun” states Leona “mixing and merging my toys any old way until eye and brain give the go-ahead.”
In the portraits there is a play between the past and the present. Faces, expressions tell a story frequently departing from the usual biographical date. Every generation has its own perspective and in this way a portrait is living person interacting with the viewer.
In working with monotypes, Leona finds the flexibility and out of control surprise element that sparks. Her style is basically expressionistic allowing for symbols, language and even history.
The Library welcomes inquiries from local artists and arts organizations regarding use of the exhibit space. For further information, please contact the Montclair Public Library (973) 744-0500 ext. 2221.